Feeling stressed? – Then consider listening to some powerful mantras, and let them help you release your tension and worries.Stress is a psychological strain on the mind, which can also have a number of physical symptoms attached. The physical symptoms can be high blood pressure, difficulty concentrating, insomnia, restlessness, irritability and pain in the stomach, for example. One distinguishes between different …
FOMO – Fear of missing out online
FOMO – WHAT IS THIS? Does it itch in your fingers to check out the next update on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter? Do you have a tinge of discomfort, when your cell phone is out of range? Did you forget turn it off last night to? Maybe you suffer from FOMO, fear off missing out (fear of not being online) This fear …
Anxiety and Fear – How to live without it
What is anxiety? Anxiety is an irrational state, founded on deep forces from our unconscious. The experience of anxiety is often, that the individual feels paralysed and thus feels helpless and without any control of the course of events. Fearing the anxiety itself A hallmark of anxiety is often also the fear the anxiety itself. You are convinced that it will show up in …
Solfeggio healing frequencies products
111 Hz Solfeggio Frequency for Spiritual Awakening $2,75 Add to cart 852 Hz Solfeggio Frequency for Awakening Intuition $2,75 Add to cart Manipura chakra activation music at 528 hz $2,75 Add to cart Solfeggio 396 Hz Healing Frequency Cleanse Fear [Releases Fear, Anxiety & Negativity] $2,75 Add to cart Solfeggio 417 Hz Healing Frequency $2,75 Add to cart Solfeggio 528 …
Om Mani Padme Hum Meditation Music – Healing and Purifying Mantra Chanting
The Om Mani Padme Hum mantra is an ancient Buddhist purifying and healing mantra, which can be translated to something like: “Praise to the Jewel in the Lotus.” It is said to have all the teachings of the Buddha condensed in one single phrase. Headphones recommended:-)Peace from Martin – MusicMindMagic ♡ Subscribe and get the latest videos here ▶︎ …
Relaxing Piano Music with Rain Sounds – 30 min. “Rainy Day Piano” – Piano & Rain Music
Relaxing Piano Music with Rain Sounds is titled: Rainy Day Piano music & is composed by Martin Starson. The gentle emotional piano is combined with a soothing background of quiet rain, making the overall feeling very calm & relaxed. ↴↴↴ ➤ Quality audio here: https://musicmindmagic.bandcamp.com/track/rainy-day-music-for-piano-rain ➤ SUBSCRIBE AND GET THE LATEST VIDEOS HERE ▶︎ http://bit.ly/2my8gJ0 You can use this piece …
Music Box Theme Song (Victorian) Musical Box Theme by MusicMindMagic
The Music Box Theme Song features a victorian music box, that plays the main theme on top of a heavy groove. The bass is kinda’ funky, slightly distorted together with the deep kick and the percussion. I added a female voice in the chorus, to give the verse a touch of a lighter and more ethereal feeling. SUBSCRIBE AND GET …
“There’s nothing as quiet as snow” Danish folk song reharmonized & arranged by Jazz4piano
This beautiful Danish song, “There’s nothing as quiet as snow” ( “Der er intet så stille som sne”) was arranged and reharmonized a winter day, in the first days of January 2017. Actually the weather that day was mild and damp, but not the least sign of any snow. I love this tune and changed the meter from 2/4 to …
Zen Piano Meditation Music #2 Solo Piano for meditation & contemplation
This Zen Piano Meditation Music #2 Solo Piano for meditation & contemplation was recorded on the una corda piano and is the #2 of a piano series with simple small zen piano pieces. Use it for meditation, contemplation or just for pure relaxation. SUBSCRIBE AND GET THE LATEST VIDEOS HERE ▶︎ http://bit.ly/2my8gJ0 ♡ MUSIC: All music is my original work …
Sleepsong ‘The Gartan Mother’s Lullaby’ Lovely Irish Sleep Music / Sleep Tune
This Sleepsong, called ‘The Gartan Mother’s Lullaby’ is a lovely Irish sleeptune, originally a old folk song. Subscribe and get the latest videos here ▶︎ http://bit.ly/2my8gJ0 The sleepsong or lullaby has elements from the mythology, that gives the tune a sad, mysterious, haunting but also beautiful touch. To underline the atmospheric elements in the lullaby, I added an old music …