At MusicMindMagic we are committed to respecting and protecting your online privacy. The following Privacy Policy is to help you understand our policies in regards to your personal information.
Gathering and Use of Information
MusicMindMagic will only collect your personal information like your name and email, when you purchase our products. Information we collect from you will never be sold, rented, or shared with third-parties. All credit card information is stored on Stripes and PayPals secure external servers. We never see any of your card information. Access to our web site is generally unrestricted, and you may browse it anonymously.
Our website utilizes “cookies”. A “cookie” is a small text file that permits us to recognize your browser in order to customize your experience, or permit you to access restricted areas. Cookies do not contain personal information.
IP Address
Your Internet Protocol (“IP”) address is usually associated with the place from which you enter the Internet, like your Internet Service Provider, your company or your university. We may use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server, gather broad demographic information, and administer our Web site.
We are committed to privacy and support industry initiatives to preserve individual privacy rights on the Internet.